Tips to handle Interview Nerves for Health Service Applicants

Are you applying for a job or promotion in the Health Service? Here are 3 ways to handle interview nerves.

One of the main reasons we get nervous before interviews is the fear of the unknown. Being well prepared for interview as well as having a better understanding of ourselves and what throws us off track can help us to manage interview nerves. The following are key tips that former interview preparation clients of mine have found useful.
1.      Prepare yourself – research the organisation/service. Practice answers to common questions that arise under each competency for the role. Try and have a mock interview preferably with a colleague or someone who is familiar with you and the organisation you are interviewing for.
2.      Plan your day around the interview – know what works best for helping you focus e.g. – is it revision of your potential answers or policies/ procedures relevant to the role or doing something unrelated to the interview such as a walk.
3.      If you find you get nervous during the interview practice the STOP method. The STOP method is a helpful mental technique to overcome stressful situations (with practice you can do this subtly):
✨Stop what you are doing and focus on what you are thinking
✨Take a few deep breaths
✨Observe what is happening inside your body – observe your emotions, the thoughts in your mind and why you are feeling those things
✨Proceed with the intention to incorporate your observations into your following actions
The purpose of STOP is to slow down and help you focus on what you are doing, what your are feeling and it allows you to remember you are in control of your actions and thoughts.

If you find interviews challenging and are considering applying for a role or promotion within the Health Service contact me for a free consultation to understand how my approach may help you.

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